After watering my geraniums, I had the urge to do something summerish… local like and down to earth. Hmmmm.. this would be the perfect day to finally investigate our little town of Eagle's Farmers Market I said to myself! Only six blocks away… I think I shall walk! As I put on my most 70's like attire, my most natural unsparkly down to earth sandals, I was feeling quite peaceful, and healthy and my head swimming with visions of the beautiful fresh produce that I would bring home to wash up for supper, perhaps beets, pulled right from our local ground, with soil still clinging to them;
and hopefully some fresh spinach (one of my favorite things EVER). And surely there would be strawberries still warm from the sun, which would be a lovely finish to our "a la natural" evening meal!I slung my most favorite bag over my shoulder that spoke loudly of the generation I come from ( and somehow survived) . And as I began my journey through the neighborhood inhaling the heady fragrance of honeysuckle, I was singing..."When you goooo to San Fransisco (Insert Downtown Eagle here )… be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"... if you're goin' to "Downtown Eagle" you're gonna meet some gentle people there..."( I'm seriously wishing right now there was a music note "key" on the computer, because I'm gonna LOVE getting songs stuck in your head on a regular basis, those of you who are old enough anyway)
Now is probably a good time to bring up a very true saying I've known and on more occasion than I care to admit, lived ..."The Road to Hell (insert Farmers Market) is paved with good intentions." and no, this is not found in the Bible, not in these exact words anyway......
I finally arrive at my destination. The first site to behold are little kids running through water fountains shooting up from the ground, diapers sagging, (not from the dreaded "could you NOT have pooped beFORE we left the house?") but just from being drenched in water, the squeals of delight and fun they were having was enjoyed by all of us around them. I think of how my Grandkids would love this. I then began wandering through the people and the booths of handmade jewelry, tie dyed onesies for the apparently 70's wanna-be infants, watercolor paintings and handmade soaps from beeswax. That soap smelled so lovely, I decided to make my Farmers Market visit even MORE authentic, I would include a fragrant bar for my final purchase. Speaking of fragrance… I now smell Kettle Corn which as most of you know, is irresistible… but NO… I shall resist because this little trip is all about being healthy today!! Yes it is! Now just WHERE is all this produce I have come for??? I search and wander about, til I realize… there IS none, that's right, NONE! Apparently it's just a bit too early? *sigh* well then… I head back to buy a bar of soap… Suddenly, a woman is standing right in front of me and with her phone, begins to take pictures of my hair! Turning me sideways, backwards, all the while saying how she knows this is weird, she hopes I don't mind, but its JUST the way she has been wanting it cut, and asks me for my stylist's number… as she finally walks away I pull myself together after the paparazzi attack and would like to be flattered by all this, but realize the woman is at least five years older than me… maybe I need a haircut...
By now I am too warm, thirsty, my Peace Bag is empty, and as a wonderful smell captures my attention. A fragrance far more tantalizing than beeswax soap has me following it like a bloodhound after a raccoon! Before I know it I am in front of a table covered with red and white check cloth, slathering on mustard and relish and a ton of sauerkraut... on top of what my grown kids call "floor scraps in a bun!"
you know you want one.
"I shot the sheriff" (not going to write the words because NObody wants to get that song stuck in their head!) I devoured the thing in minutes, marveling all the while at how my attempt to be an earthlovin- veggie eatin -small town Mama, groovin on a Saturday afternoon, had ended in such disgrace.
To redeem myself, I stepped into Albertsons and bought some good ol California Corn.
"Buuuurp" excuse me. The dog just landed. I best be gettin on home.